Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 XKeyscore analysiert und sabotiert

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"Der angebliche Quellcode der Schnüffel-Software XKeyscore kursiert im Netz. Es handelt sich dabei anscheinend um einen Ausschnitt der Filterregeln, um Tails- und Tor-Nutzer zu finden. Ein Forscher gibt Tipps, wie man das System gezielt überfluten kann."

Jamming XKeyScore

"Back in the day there was talk about "jamming echelon" by adding keywords to email that the echelon system was supposedly looking for. We can do the same thing for XKeyScore: jam the system with more information than it can handle."

XKeyScore Regelsaetze

"NDR und WDR haben den angeblichen Quellcode der Ausspäh-Software XKeyscore ins Netz gestellt. Es handelt sich bei dem Auszug um Regelsätze, die dazu dienen, bestimmte Datenpakete aus Netzwerktraffic herauszufiltern – nämlich jene von Internetnutzern, die sich für die Anonymisierungs-Tools Tor und Tails interessieren." (Quelle:, siehe oben)
/**   * Fingerprint Tor authoritative directories enacting the directory protocol.   */  fingerprint('anonymizer/tor/node/authority') = $tor_authority    and ($tor_directory or preappid(/anonymizer\/tor\/directory/));  // END_DEFINITION    // START_DEFINITION  /*  Global Variable for Tor foreign directory servers. Searching for potential Tor  clients connecting to the Tor foreign directory servers on ports 80 and 443.  */    $tor_foreign_directory_ip = ip('' or '' or  '' or '' or '') and port ('80' or  '443');  // END_DEFINITION    // START_DEFINITION  /*  this variable contains the 3 Tor directory servers hosted in FVEY countries.  Please do not update this variable with non-FVEY IPs. These are held in a  separate variable called $tor_foreign_directory_ip. Goal is to find potential  Tor clients connecting to the Tor directory servers.  */  $tor_fvey_directory_ip = ip('' or '' or  '') and port ('80' or '443');  // END_DEFINITION      // START_DEFINITION  requires grammar version 5  /**   * Identify clients accessing Tor bridge information.   */  fingerprint('anonymizer/tor/bridge/tls') =  ssl_x509_subject('') or  ssl_dns_name('');    /**   * Database Tor bridge information extracted from confirmation emails.   */  fingerprint('anonymizer/tor/bridge/email') =  email_address('')    and email_body('' : c++    extractors: {{      bridges[] = /bridge\s([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}):?([0-9]{2,4}?[^0-9])/;    }}    init: {{      xks::undefine_name("anonymizer/tor/torbridges/emailconfirmation");    }}    main: {{      static const std::string SCHEMA_OLD = "tor_bridges";      static const std::string SCHEMA_NEW = "tor_routers";      static const std::string FLAGS = "Bridge";      if (bridges) {        for (size_t i=0; i < bridges.size(); ++i) {          std::string address = bridges[i][0] + ":" + bridges[i][1];          DB[SCHEMA_OLD]["tor_bridge"] = address;          DB.apply();          DB[SCHEMA_NEW]["tor_ip"] = bridges[i][0];          DB[SCHEMA_NEW]["tor_port_or"] = bridges[i][1];          DB[SCHEMA_NEW]["tor_flags"] = FLAGS;          DB.apply();        }        xks::fire_fingerprint("anonymizer/tor/directory/bridge");      }      return true;    }});  // END_DEFINITION      // START_DEFINITION  /*  The fingerprint identifies sessions visiting the Tor Project website from  non-fvey countries.  */  fingerprint('anonymizer/tor/torpoject_visit')=http_host('')  and not(xff_cc('US' OR 'GB' OR 'CA' OR 'AU' OR 'NZ'));  // END_DEFINITION      // START_DEFINITION  /*  These variables define terms and websites relating to the TAILs (The Amnesic  Incognito Live System) software program, a comsec mechanism advocated by  extremists on extremist forums.  */    $TAILS_terms=word('tails' or 'Amnesiac Incognito Live System') and word('linux'  or ' USB ' or ' CD ' or 'secure desktop' or ' IRC ' or 'truecrypt' or ' tor ');  $TAILS_websites=('') or ('*');  // END_DEFINITION    // START_DEFINITION  /*  This fingerprint identifies users searching for the TAILs (The Amnesic  Incognito Live System) software program, viewing documents relating to TAILs,  or viewing websites that detail TAILs.  */  fingerprint('ct_mo/TAILS')=  fingerprint('documents/comsec/tails_doc') or web_search($TAILS_terms) or  url($TAILS_websites) or html_title($TAILS_websites);  // END_DEFINITION      // START_DEFINITION  requires grammar version 5  /**   * Aggregate Tor hidden service addresses seen in raw traffic.   */  mapreduce::plugin('anonymizer/tor/plugin/onion') =    immediate_keyword(/(?:([a-z]+):\/\/){0,1}([a-z2-7]{16})\.onion(?::(\d+)){0,1}/c : c++      includes: {{        #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>      }}      proto: {{        message onion_t {          required string address = 1;          optional string scheme = 2;          optional string port = 3;        }      }}      mapper<onion_t>: {{        static const std::string prefix = "anonymizer/tor/hiddenservice/address/";          onion_t onion;        size_t matches = cur_args()->matches.size();        for (size_t pos=0; pos < matches; ++pos) {          const std::string &value = match(pos);          if (value.size() == 16)            onion.set_address(value);          else if(!onion.has_scheme())            onion.set_scheme(value);          else            onion.set_port(value);        }          if (!onion.has_address())          return false;, onion);        xks::fire_fingerprint(prefix + onion.address());        return true;      }}      reducer<onion_t>: {{        for (values_t::const_iterator iter = VALUES.begin();            iter != VALUES.end();            ++iter) {          DB["tor_onion_survey"]["onion_address"] = iter->address() + ".onion";          if (iter->has_scheme())            DB["tor_onion_survey"]["onion_scheme"] = iter->scheme();          if (iter->has_port())            DB["tor_onion_survey"]["onion_port"] = iter->port();          DB["tor_onion_survey"]["onion_count"] = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(TOTAL_VALUE_COUNT);          DB.apply();          DB.clear();        }        return true;      }});    /**   * Placeholder fingerprint for Tor hidden service addresses.   * Real fingerpritns will be fired by the plugins   *   'anonymizer/tor/plugin/onion/*'   */  fingerprint('anonymizer/tor/hiddenservice/address') = nil;  // END_DEFINITION      // START_DEFINITION  appid('anonymizer/mailer/mixminion', 3.0, viewer=$ascii_viewer) =          http_host('mixminion') or          ip('');  // END_DEFINITION  

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