Dienstag, 30. August 2016

Major Bank Official: Banks Are “Preparing for an Economic Nuclear Winter”


After years of giveaways to megabanks, marketed to the taxpayers as 'quantitative easing,' the crutches shoved under the banker-controlled global stock trade are about to snap. Bankers now say they are preparing for the collapse.

In June of 2015, former Congressman Ron Paul predicted that these crutches would fail, and the financial bubbles created by them would send the stock market into a free fall.

"The consequences will not be minor. Surprises will be many, since we are in uncertain waters and the world has never faced the gross misallocation of capital that exists today. The process is self-limiting. It will come to an end, and it's not going to be far into the future."

Now, as chaos in the EU and weak corporate earnings create a tornado of uncertainty, banks are preparing for the worst.

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