Freitag, 13. Mai 2016

Erdogan erpresst EU: Wenn Abkommen scheitert, „schicken wir die Flüchtlinge los“ ---- Strategic Engineered Migration as a Weapon of War

Wenn der EU-Kuhhandel platzt und die Europäische Union die Visafreiheit
für Türken nicht einführt, „dann schicken wir die Flüchtlinge los". Das
sagte der Chefberater des türkischen Präsidenten Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
Burhan Kuzu, laut Deutschen Wirtschaftsnachrichten. Er warnte somit die
EU-Politiker, „keine falsche Entscheidung zu treffen".


Strategic Engineered Migration as a Weapon of War

In recent years, it has been widely argued that a new and different
armament — i.e., the refugee as weapon — has entered the world's
arsenals. But just how new and different is this weapon? Can it only be
used in wartime? And just how successful has been its exploitation?
Using a combination of statistical data and case study analysis, this
article tackles these questions and provides a detailed examination of
the instrumental manipulation of population movements as political and
military weapons of war. In addition to 'mapping the terrain' of the
issue by providing a comprehensive typology of the most common means by
— and desired ends for — which displaced persons have been used as
political and military weapons since the end of the Cold War, the author
also provides a portrait of the identities of the kinds of actors most
likely to engage in this kind of exploitation. She also proposes an
explanation for what motivates them to resort — and apparently
increasingly so — to the use of this unconventional policy tool, despite
the reputational and potential retributive costs of doing so.

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