Mittwoch, 26. November 2014

Obama Warns Not To Challenge Official 9/11 Story

"Egypt, Cairo June 4th 2009
US President Barack Obama Speech, defends the official 9/11 story. These are not opinions to be debated, these are facts to be dealt with.

US President Barack Obama Speech Egypt 9/11 al-Qaida 11 September 2001 Terror New York Osama bin Laden Bush Biden Cheney False Flag Inside Job Truth Conspiracy Theory Iraq Afghanistan Niels Harrit Gage Jones Controlled Demolition Nano Thermite Dust WTC Patriot Act NWO World Order Ron Paul NYCCAN endthefed Petition David Ray Griffin War Peace Sandheden Wahrheit sannhet Government America Canada Germany Britain Liberty NAU North Union Amero SPP Bill O'Reilly News Politics Steeper33"

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