Dienstag, 31. Mai 2016

WebCleaner --- A filtering HTTP proxy


Why should I use WebCleaner?

The first feature that sets WebCleaner apart from other proxies is exact HTML filtering, and this removes a lot of advertisings. The filter does not just replace some strings, the proxy parses all HTML data. The parser is fast (written in C) and can cope with every broken HTML page out there; if the parser does not recognize HTML structures, it just passes the data over to the proxy until it recognizes a tag again. No valid HTML data is ever discarded or dropped.

Another feature is the JavaScript filtering: JavaScript data is executed in the integrated Spidermonkey JavaScript engine which is also used by the Mozilla browser suite. This eliminates all JavaScript obfuscation, popups, and document.write() stuff, but the other JavaScript functions still work as usual.

Exact HTML filtering has another good side-effect: it is possible to detect and prevent known security flaws in HTML processors. Several known (but not all) buffer overflow exploits or Denial of Service attacks are detected and fixed by the HtmlSecurity class.

If you find an HTML exploit that is not covered by the security filter, please let me know.

Furthermore, WebCleaner can filter SSL traffic used in https:// URLs. See the SSL gateway documentation for more info.

Huffington Post: Bushido sagt --- Aus diesem Grund werde ich AfD wählen


Rapper Bushido will die AfD wählen. Sagt er in seinem Videoblog.

Das gut 13-minütige Video zeigt Szenen aus Videodrehs von Bushido und seinem Kollegen Ali Bumaye. Auf die Politik scheinen die beiden dann durch Zufall zu kommen.

Huffington Post: Dalai Lama zur Flüchtlingskrise: "Deutschland kann nicht arabisch werden" (VIDEO)

  • Der Dalai Lama hat sich zur Flüchtlingskrise in Europa geäußert
  • Er hält eine Begrenzung der Flüchtlingszahlen für moralisch vertretbar
  • Eine Zusammenfassung seiner Aussagen seht ihr im Video oben


Russisches TV berichtet über PEGIDA, AfD, deutschen Geist und den Hooton-Plan

6 März 2016. Russlands Staatsender "Rossija" berichtet in den
Hauptabendnachrichten über die deutschen innenpolitischen
Auseinandersetzungen um die aktuelle Flüchtlingskrise in Europa und
Deutschland. Deutsche Untertitel


AFD Kiel --- Ein Vortrag von Achille Demagbo --- Vortrag "Wege aus der Asyl- und Flüchtlingskrise" ---


Veröffentlicht am 15.12.2015

Ein Vortrag von Achille Demagbo, gehalten am 14.12.2015 in der Landesgeschäftstelle SH. Achille ist Sprecher des KV Kiel und Vorstand des LV Schleswig-Holstein der bundesweiten Partei "Alternative für Deutschland" (AFD). Die Einleitung spricht Soeren Boigs, Schatzmeister des AFD KV Kiel, der Vortrag beginnt ab ca. 7:00 min. Siehe auch https://www.afd-schleswig-holstein.de... . Mehr zur Partei zb unter www.alternativefuer.de


Frauke Petry (AfD) moderiert und führt öffentlichen Dialog mit jugendlichen Kritikern über Punkte des AfD Parteiprogramms, ... (VIDEO)

VIDEO @ 4Min 55s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_SStcoIP5g&t=4m55s

Frauke Petry (AfD) moderiert und führt öffentlichen Dialog mit jugendlichen Kritikern über Punkte des AfD Parteiprogramms und dabei ermahnt sie das AfD Publikum zu Ruhe und Benehmen, da man die Kritiker ausreden lassen soll. Sie argumentiert, erst dadurch könnte eine ordentliche Diskussion zu Stande kommen. Das AfD Publikum wollte die jugendlichen Redner ziehmlich schnell verurteilen und beleidigende Zurufe wurden getätigt und von Frauke Petry unterbrochen. Das Publikum reagierte aber sofort mit Einsicht auf die belehrenden Worte von Frauke Petry und das Ganze entwickelte sich zu etwas Gutem.

Helen Hahne: Warum unfähige Männer so oft in Führungspositionen sind


Das Problem ist allseits bekannt: Männer befinden sich viel öfter in Führungspositionen als Frauen. Gründe dafür werden viele angeführt. Der Psychologe Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic sieht das Problem in unserem Verständnis von guter Führung.

Havard Bussiness Review: Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?


There are three popular explanations for the clear under-representation of women in management, namely: (1) they are not capable; (2) they are not interested; (3) they are both interested and capable but unable to break the glass-ceiling: an invisible career barrier, based on prejudiced stereotypes, that prevents women from accessing the ranks of power. Conservatives and chauvinists tend to endorse the first; liberals and feminists prefer the third; and those somewhere in the middle are usually drawn to the second. But what if they all missed the big picture?

Jean Effel, 1959: Die Erschaffung der Welt

VIDEO ~1,5h: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KobMgxA30gk


Der tschechische Zeichentrickklassiker von 1957 nach den berühmten Bildergeschichten des französischen Karikaturisten Jean Effel - erstmals auf DVD! Gott, ein liebenswürdiger alter Mann, entschließt sich, aus dem absoluten Nichts innerhalb von sechs Tagen etwas zu schaffen. Mit himmlischer Inspiration und unterstützt von drei Engelchen erschafft er das All, den Himmel und die Erde, das Wasser, die Sonne, den Mond und die Sterne, erfindet Pflanzen, Tiere und schließlich den Menschen: Adam und Eva - und das alles gegen den Widerstand der listigen kleinen roten Teufelchen, die nichts unversucht lassen, Gottes Werk zu sabotieren. Doch der liebe Gott lässt sich nicht beirren und vollendet seine Schöpfung wie geplant, so dass er sich am siebten Tag erschöpft in die Sonntagsruhe zurückziehen kann. - Eine heiter-ironische Version der Schöpfungsgeschichte ... Von 1953 bis 1957 arbeiteten Jean Effel und der tschechische Regisseur Eduard Hofman an der Filmversion der Effelschen Schöpfungsvariante. Die deutsche Fassung von 1959, hergestellt in der DDR durch das DEFA-Studio für Synchronisation, war ein echter Kino- und TV-Erfolg. Ein Filmspaß, der nun endlich auf DVD erhältlich ist! Bonus: die originale tschechische Tonspur! Originaltitel: Stvo¿ení sv¿ta; 4:3; ca. 83 Min.

Catharine A. MacKinnon: Feminism, Marxism, Method, and the State: An Agenda for Theory

Sexuality is to feminism what work is to marxism: that which is most one's own, yet most taken away. Marxist theory argues that society is fundamentally constructed of the relations people form as they do and make things needed to survive humanly. Work is the social process of shaping and transforming the material and social worlds, creating people as social beings as they create value. It is that activity by which people become who they are. Class is its structure, production its consequence, capital its congealed form, and control its issue. Dedicated to the spirit of Shelly Rosaldo in us all. The second part of this article, which will appear in a forthcoming issue of Signs as "Feminism, Marxism, Method, and the State: Toward FeministJurisprudence," applies the critique developed here to theories of the state and to legal materials. Both articles are parts of a longer work in progress. The argument of this essay on the relation between marxism and feminism has not changed since it was first written in 1973, but the argument on feminism itself has. In the intervening years, the manuscript has been widely circulated, in biannual mutations, for criticism. Reflecting on that process, which I hope publication will continue (this is "an agenda for theory"), I find the following people, each in their way, contributed most to its present incarnation: Sonia E. Alvarez, Douglas Bennett, Paul Brest, Ruth Colker, Robert A. Dahl, Karen E. Davis, Andrea Dworkin, Alicia Fernandez,Jane Flax, Bert Garskoff, Elbert Gates, Karen Haney, Kent Harvey, Linda Hoaglund, Nan Keohane, ...

"Russell (1990), writing on female rape, implies that being sexually violent is masculine behavior, so rape is essentially masculine behavior."




The next chapter helps to clarify the notion of masculinity with the assistance of feminist theory, because the creation of masculinity is vital to comprehending male rape, as the issue of rape is an issue of masculinity. Russell (1990), writing on female rape, implies that being sexually violent is masculine behavior, so rape is essentially masculine behavior. The means wherein men see themselves, and the procedures on which these views are formed, are important to comprehend why men rape other men. 

4.0 Theoretical Perspectives on Explaining/Understanding Male Rape 

Feminist theoretical research on sexual violence is extensive: it highlights the hidden figure of unreported rapes in official police statistics (Lees, 1997, 2002); considers views on rape; examines police responses, and attempts to eliminate rape myths to be replaced with facts (Gregory and Lees, 1999). Therefore, feminist research makes a vast contribution to the study on male violence against women, particularly with regards to sexual violence. Feminist research also plays a pivotal role in uncovering the extent of male violence against women, and reveals the effects rape has on female rape victims. Although feminist research is incrementally useful for female rape victims, little feminist research is provided for male rape victims, which is interesting as feminism seeks gender equality. Therefore, it is important to examine feminist theory, because it seeks to emphasise the gendered nature of rape. It is also vital to examine radical feminist theory in particular, because Stanko (1990) argues that men rape other men for exactly the same reasons they rape women: to exercise power and control over the victim. 

4.1 Feminism 

Services for managing victims of rape have ameliorated over the past ten years, but the concern of 'no-criming' still continues to raise worry; for example, it was found that the Crown Prosecution Service did not pursue high proportions of rape allegations or the police classified them as 'no-crimed' (Gregory and Lees, 1999). Here it was also found that the bulk of rapes that the police tend to mostly deal with are stranger rapes (i.e. a rape wherein the victim does not know the attacker), because they are not difficult to gather DNA evidence from. Perhaps then the police see stranger rape victims as 'real victims' and manage them with more compassion. This is proven in Lees' (1997) research where she found that the criminal justice system and society both see stranger rape as 'true' rape, rather than acquaintance rape (i.e. a rape wherein the victim knows the attacker). Nevertheless, it is apparently clear that feminist pressure to improve police guidelines in order to adequately accommodate rape victims' needs has formulated, so police treatment of rape victims has greatly improved. 


Russell, D. (1990) Rape in Marriage. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Lacause - Junger Journalismus: Hier die volle Reportage über den türkischen "Friedensmarsch" am 10. April in München. Am selben Tag fanden bundesweit türkische Demonstrationen unter dem Motto "Friedensmarsch für die Türkei und EU" statt. --- "Friedensmarsch" Türkischer Nationalisten und Rechtsextremisten


Auf Türkisch wurde jedoch mit dem Spruch "Alles für das Vaterland – Märtyrer sind unsterblich – Das Vaterland ist unteilbar" zu der Demonstration aufgerufen. In mehreren Städten kam es zu gewaltsamen Ausschreitungen zwischen Demonstranten und Gegendemonstranten - in Köln besonders heftig.

Wir waren auf der Demonstration in München und veröffentlichten ein kurzes Video, das zeigt wie wir angefeindet, beleidigt und bedroht werden von Teilnehmern des vermeintlichen "Friedensmarsches". Das Video schlug im Netz Wellen und wurde bisher mehr als eine Millionen mal angesehen (Link: http://bit.ly/1U7xmKw)
Es erschienen auch mehrere Artikel über das Video. Die volle Reportage soll dabei helfen, sich ein Bild von den Demonstrationen zu machen.

Bitte unterstützt jungen, unabhängigen Journalismus finanziell. http://paypal.me/lacause
Wir sind dankbar für jede Spende


Lacause distanziert sich von Jedem, der dieses Video für rassistische Hetze missbrauchen will!


Video auf YouTube mit deutschen und englischen Untertiteln
Video on Youtube with german and english subtitles!

Dienstag, 24. Mai 2016

Male Rape: The Unseen World of Male Rape By Aliraza Javaid


This research explores the phenomenon of male rape and how the police recognise it,together with uncovering male rape myths in a local police force. Whilst male raperesearch is expanding, it was found that the police have a lack of knowledge,
understanding, awareness, and specialised training of male rape. Therefore,police officers' attitudes, ideas,views, perspectives, and beliefs on specific topics pertinent to male rape are discussed. This project also seeks to comprehend gender expectations and stereotypes of men, so as to comprehend the prevalence of male rape, the
negligence of male rape, and the under-
reporting/recording of male rape. Moreover,
because male rape is a part of sexual violence, feminist theory is used as a foundation
for this project, since feminism seeks
gender equality. Ultimately, this research
emphasises the need for the police to adequately manage male rape victims and take
male rape seriously, without any negative
attitudes, ideas, views, perspectives, and

Tavistock Agenda 2012


""The individual is essentially an enemy of society and has instinctual urges that must be restrained to help society function. 'Among these instinctual wishes are those of incest, cannibalism, and lust for killing.' His view of human nature is that it is anti-social, rebellious, and has high sexual and destructive tendencies. The destructive nature of humans sets a pre-inclination for disaster when humans must interact with others in society. 'For masses are lazy and unintelligent; they have no love for instinctual renunciation, and they are not to be convinced by argument of its inevitability; and the individuals composing them support one another in giving free rein to their indiscipline.' So destructive is human nature, he claims, that 'it is only through the influence of individuals who can set an example and whom masses recognize as their leaders that they can be induced to perform the work and undergo the renunciations on which the existence of civilization depends.' All this sets a terribly hostile society that could implode if it were not for civilizing forces and developing government..." - From The Future Of An Illusion, by Sigmund Freud. "

"In 1941 a group of psychiatrists at the Tavistock Clinic saw that the right questions were asked in Parliament in order to secure the means to try new measures. As a result they were asked to join the Directorate of Army Psychiatry, and did so as a group." –Tavistock Institute

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR)


We are a not-for-profit organisation which applies social science to contemporary issues and problems.

Helping organisations, groups and individuals to learn, change, innovate and develop.

Understanding changes, in changing and complex circumstances.

Learning how to work with emotion and knowledge, and reflecting on the experience.

Group Relations conferences world-wide offer opportunities to learn about group, organisational and social dynamics.

A growing digital repository of our work, thinking and reflections.

Translating knowledge into practice & practice into enduring knowledge.

tagesschau: Das Volksgetränk Coca-Cola wird in Venezuela knapp - wegen Zuckermangels


"Erst wurde das Bier knapp, jetzt ist auch noch das Volksgetränk Coca-Cola von der Versorgungskrise im sozialistischen Venezuela betroffen. Wegen Zuckermangels wurde die Cola-Produktion vorerst gestoppt. Die Brause war in Venezuela zuletzt einfacher zu bekommen als Wasser."

Raptastisch: "Ich hasse nationalistische Menschen, die nichts anderes in ihrem Leben haben als: Das ist meine Flagge, das ist mein Land." --- "Gott hat diese Welt erschaffen, Gott wird diese Welt zerstören."


"Ich hasse nationalistische Menschen, die nichts anderes in ihrem Leben haben als: Das ist meine Flagge, das ist mein Land."

"Gott hat diese Welt erschaffen, Gott wird diese Welt zerstören."

"Wenn du mir [...] so sehr an meinem Herzen liegst, dass ich Einfluss auf dich nehmen will, dann erklär ich dir vielleicht meinen Weg, probiere ich dir vielleicht intellektuell und rational den Islam nahezulegen."

"[...] und wenn ich dein Herz damit nicht erreichen kann: Soll ich dich jetzt hassen? Soll ich dir den Kopf abschneiden? Soll ich jetzt sagen, ich rede mit dir nicht mehr? Was sind das für minderbemittelte Menschen alter?"

"Meine Nation ist Mensch, mein Land ist die Welt."

Montag, 23. Mai 2016

Ancient Code: Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in Australia: This video will blow your mind


Not only do many researchers believe these glyphs are authentic, the scribes accurately used several ancient hieroglyphs and 'grammatical' variations which, crucially, were not even documented in Egyptian hieroglyphic until recent times.

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sngra1121jM

Barbarisches Hundeschlachtfest in China sorgt für weltweiten Protest

Alljährlich im Juni findet im südchinesischen Yulin das „Hundefleisch
Festival" statt. Was den Tieren dabei bis zu ihrem Tod an Leid zugefügt
wird, ist an grausamer Brutalität nicht zu überbieten. Zehntausende
Hunde, aber auch Katzen werden, bevor sie auf dem Teller landen, brutal
gequält. Je mehr Schmerzen der Hund oder die Katze erleiden, desto mehr
Adrenalin wird im Körper ausgeschüttet. Dies gewährleistet, dass das
Fleisch zäh wird. Besonders Männer fordern zähes Fleisch, weil sie
fälschlicherweise glauben, zähes Fleisch steigert die Potenz. Der Handel
mit Hundefleisch ist in China legal.


Samstag, 21. Mai 2016

Visualization of personalized Facebook Streams --- Blue Feed, Red Feed --- See Liberal Facebook and Conservative Facebook, Side by Side


What is this?

Recent posts from sources where the majority of shared articles aligned "very liberal" (blue, on the left) and "very conservative" (red, on the right) in a large Facebook study.

In 2015, the journal Science published a research paper by Facebook scientists (Bakshy, Eytan; Messing, Solomon; Adamic, Lada, 2015, "Replication Data for: Exposure to Ideologically Diverse News and Opinion on Facebook",http://dx.doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LDJ7MS, Harvard Dataverse, V2) which looked at how a subset of the social network's users reacted to the news appearing in their feeds.

For six months, Facebook tracked and analyzed the content shared by 10.1 million of its users (who were anonymized). These users had identified their political views in their own profiles on Facebook. Analyzing these users' political labels, the researchers categorized each as very liberal, liberal, neutral, conservative or very conservative. The researchers also produced a list of the top 500 sources of content tracked in the study.

Havard: Replication Data for: Exposure to Ideologically Diverse News and Opinion on Facebook


Replication Data for: Exposure to Ideologically Diverse News and Opinion on Facebook. 

This archive includes: 

  • R analysis code and aggregate data for deriving the main results (e.g., Table S5, S6)
  • Python code and dictionaries for training and testing the hard-soft news classifier
  • Aggregate summary statistics of the distribution of ideological homophily in networks.
  • Aggregate summary statistics of the distribution of ideological alignment for hard content shared by the top 500 most shared websites.

Freitag, 20. Mai 2016

'Female' Muslim Gang Attack Busty Fit Pretty French Woman For Wearing Bikini at Park.


I can understand they are so Jealous of her looks and Body, she looks Pretty lovely to me. But then French European Girls Women are known for this. Brutal Islam ruins all their Poor Girls Genitals when a Baby or 4-5 Years old, many Die from Blood Loss Shock or Infection this Barbarism. After they are not proper Woman really. but I think Hijab's look so untrendy and 7 th Century....oh Shit they are!.

Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2016

USA/FDA: First Ever GMO Animal Approved by FDA for Human Consumption


The FDA has just recently approved the sale and consumption of GMO salmon, despite public outrage and insufficient testing. This is the first ever genetically modified animal to be allowed onto our dinner plates. This GMO salmon, otherwise known as "frankenfish", poses many risks to consumers and an already threatened salmon population. This will be the first ever GMO animal to enter into our food system.


The frankenfish can grow twice as fast as its wild counterpart and was designed by AquaBounty Technologies. Because the FDA and AquaBounty have failed to perform sufficient studies on the fish, the consumption of this genetically modified creature could have extreme health risks. The review process by the FDA failed and lacked comprehensive analysis that would examine how this salmon will impact consumer health and consumer futures. Andrew Kimbrell, the executive director of Center for Food Safety, says that, "this decision sets a dangerous precedent, lowering the standards of safety in this country."

Dienstag, 17. Mai 2016

Time: U.N. Says Cyber Violence Is Equivalent to Physical Violence Against Women


73% of women have experienced cyber violence, according to a new report

Cyber violence is just as damaging to women as physical violence, according to a new U.N. report, which warns women are growing even more vulnerable to cyber violence as more and more regions gain internet access.

BreitBart: The UN Wants To Censor The Entire Internet To Save Feminists’ Feelings


In a report released yesterday, entitled "Cyber Violence Against Women And Girls: A Global Wake-up Call," UN Women, the group behind last year's risible "He for She" campaign, called on governments to use their "licensing prerogative" to ensure that "telecoms and search engines" are only "allowed to connect with the public" if they "supervise content and its dissemination."

In other words, if search engines and ISPs don't comply with a list of the UN's censorship demands, the UN wants national governments to cut off their access to the public.



Millions of women and girls around the world are
subjected to deliberate violence because of their gender.
Violence against women and girls (VAWG) knows no
boundaries, cutting across borders, race, culture and
income groups, profoundly harming victims, people
around them, and society as a whole.
The growing reach of the Internet, the rapid spread of
mobile information and communications technologies
(ICTs) and the wide diffusion of social media have
presented new opportunities and enabled various efforts
to address VAWG.
However, they are also being used as
tools to inflict harm on women and girls. Cyber-VAWG is
emerging as a global problem with serious implications for
societies and economies around the world. The statistics
pose risks to the peace and prosperity for all enshrined
in the Charter of the United Nations, and, in par ticular, to
the goals of inclusive, sustainable development that puts
gender equality and the empowerment of women as key
to its achievement.
Writing this repor t has, in some sense, been a race to
keep up with breaking news, as girl after girl and woman
after woman, has come forward to expose physical and
verbal attacks on them: teenage girls driven to suicide by
online trolling
; an airline passenger using her cell phone
to record and report physical and sexual harassment from
a male co-passenger; an actress publicly responding to
online hate speech
against her; a former Major
League Baseball pitcher using
to identify people
responsible for "Twitter troll" posts with obscene, sexually
explicit comments about his teenage daughter.

Anita Sarkeesian: Sexism and Stereotypes in Videogames


Anita Sarkeesian has made quite a name for herself online with her "Feminist Frequency" web series. She's probably best known for creating "Tropes vs. Women in Video Games", where Anita points out what she considers to be sexism within gaming. Do Anita's arguments hold up under scrutiny though?


Female Characters in Videogames... debunking a myth

Female Game Protagonists

Sexist games=sexist gamers? A longitudinal study on the relationship between video game use and sexist attitudes.


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Outro Music: Toby Fox - Checkerboard Memories

Ordinary Women Campaign Video

Ordinary Women: Daring to Defy History is Feminist Frequency's new video series about challenging stereotypes, smashing the status quo, and being defiant. Learn more about the campaign and support us here: 

Boris Johnson vergleicht EU mit Hitler

London (dpa) - Der Londoner Ex-Bürgermeister und Brexit-Befürworter
Boris Johnson vergleicht die Ziele der EU mit denen von Adolf Hitler.
Brüssel wolle ebenso wie einst der Nazi-Diktator Europa zu einem
Superstaat einigen.


Montag, 16. Mai 2016

Rabbi Marc Lee Raphael: Jewish Involvement In Black Slave Trade To The Americas


The following passages are from Dr. Raphael's book Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History (New York: Behrman House, Inc., Pub, 1983), pp. 14, 23-25.
"Jews also took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade; indeed, the bylaws of the Recife and Mauricia congregations (1648) included an imposta (Jewish tax) of five soldos for each Negro slave a Brazilian Jew purchased from the West Indies Company. Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.
"This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the 'triangular trade' that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa. Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750's, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760's, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760's and early 1770's dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent."

David Irving: Holocaut Lie

David Irving

David John Cawdell Irving (born 24 March 1938) is an English Holocaust denier[2] and author who has written on the military and political history ofWorld War II, with a focus on Nazi Germany. His works include The Destruction of Dresden (1963), Hitler's War (1977), Churchill's War (1987), and Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich (1996). Though Irving's revisionist views of World War II were never taken seriously by mainstream historians, he was once recognized for his knowledge of Nazi Germany and his ability to unearth new historical documents. Irving marginalized himself in 1988 when, based on his reading of the pseudoscientific[3] Leuchter report, he began to espouse Holocaust denial.

Irving's reputation as a historian was discredited[4] when, in the course of an unsuccessful libel case he filed against the American historian Deborah Lipstadt and Penguin Books, he was shown to have deliberately misrepresented historical evidence to promote Holocaust denial.[5] The English court found that Irving was an active Holocaust denier, antisemite, andracist,[6] who "for his own ideological reasons persistently and deliberately misrepresented and manipulated historical evidence".[6][7] In addition, the court found that Irving's books had distorted the history of Adolf Hitler's role in the Holocaust to depict Hitler in a favourable light.

Speech: The Holocaust Lie


Michael Hoffman and Dr. Tony Martin: The Jewish Role in the Black Slave Trade

Tony Martin (professor)

Tony Martin (February 21, 1942 – January 17, 2013)[1] was a Trinidad-bornprofessor of Africana Studies at Wellesley College. He retired in June 2007 asprofessor emeritus after 34 years teaching at the Africana Studies Department, where he was a founding member.

He was a lecturer and author of scholarly articles about Black History, primarily the Black Nationalist leader Marcus Garvey, and his written works and statements regarding Jewish involvement in the American slave trade, which echo allegations made by the Nation of Islam, have been a source of ongoing controversy.

Speech: The Jewish Role in the Black Slave Trade

PART 1: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xky22i_the-jewish-role-in-the-black-slave-trade-1-of-7-michael-hoffman-ii-and-dr-tony-martin_news

Sonntag, 15. Mai 2016



Research Links to get you started
. http://anticorruptionsociety.com/

The Great American Adventure

Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustice Mullins

The Synagogue of Satan Andrew Carrington Hitchcock pdf

A History of the House of Rothschild

A History of the House of Rothschild pdf

barefootsworld.com Who is Running America pdf

barefootsworld.com A Special Report on the National Emergency pdf
USA INC - The creation of a fake government by AntiCorruption Society.com pdf

They Own it All by Ronald Mcdonald and R Rowen

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Corporation Service Company

United States Corporation Company: Certificate of incorporation

Our Hidden History of Corporations in the United States

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This information needs to get out

The truth about the United States, law & YOU (Extended version/more info). This is a MUST WATCH !

The Federal and State Governments are not what we think, They are Privately owned Corporations called Governments,and their Law is nothing more than their Corporate regulations called statutes

Part 2-
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Henry Clay Crawford Secretary of State

This was hard to find Google search::
100009 Filed July 15th 1925 Page 1 Articles of Incorporation Certificate of UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY..

Page 2

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Supreme Court Annotated Statue, Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States 318 U.S. 363-371

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Henry Clay Crawford
United States presidential election, 1824
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Henry Clay Crawford July 15th 1925

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65 Cedar st New York City

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Melissa A. Fabello: How Do You Define Feminism?


I'm honored to have been asked to contribute to an upcoming short film by answering the question "How do you define feminism?" Here's my candid response.

WakingTimes: NASA Confesses to Dosing Americans with Air-borne Lithium & Other Chemicals


There's the official explanation for why NASA is spraying lithium, a pharmaceutical drug most often used to treat people with manic depression or bi-polar disorder, into our ionosphere, and then there is the probable reason(s). It would be easier to accept NASA's official explanation if they were not so secretive about everything they study and do in space – but one thing is for certain – NASA's own personnel have admitted that lithium, along with other chemicals, are intentionally being placed into our environment regularly. It is possible that many of NASA's own employees aren't even aware of the true motivations for carrying out such a project, ironically displaying the very behaviors that these chemicals/pharmaceuticals are meant to instill.

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z2iRormxkw

Thank you for calling NASA, Sue!!

Phone conversation with Douglas E. Rowland from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Heliophysicist / Laboratory for Space Weather

Video of Douglas - 'NASA EDGE: Understanding Auroras with VISIONS' for voice and speech comparisons.

Miguel F Larson
Physics Professor at Clemson University
Office Phone: (864)656-5309

NASA Future Warfare Presentation

Deborah Tavares interview with Trevor Coppola

FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. ITISTIMEN0W is making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material in this video is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/tex...

ACTIVIST POST: Google Searches for “Chemtrails” Skyrocketed Last Month, Highest Ever


Court Takes Child From Mother After She Mentions Chemtrails At School



A Boulder, Colorado judge has removed a child from her mother's care because the mother believes chemtrails are being sprayed into the atmosphere, court documents reveal.

Boulder Judge D.D. Mallard told Becca Vandb that '99% of people would know those are just contrails,' and said that she is 'so immersed in a fringe subculture' that 'she is a danger to her daughter.'

Ph.D. Brian Hooker: MMR Vaccine and Autism Link --- U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention manipulated data



Data manipulation by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that obscured a higher incidence of autism in African-American boys has been uncovered by Brian Hooker, Ph.D., scientific advisor for the Focus Autism Foundation, with the help of a top research scientist working for the CDC. According to a Focus Autism report, Hooker, who has a Ph.D. in biochemical engineering, filed a Freedom of Information Act request for original data on the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) and autism study conducted by CDC researchers lead by Frank DeStefano, M.D., et al.

Hooker viewed highly sensitive documents related to the DeStefano study that had been obtained via Congressional request by U.S. Representative Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Hooker then found William Thompson, Ph.D., working with the CDC, who showed him the evidence that certain data had been omitted. Hooker's reanalysis of the data, published August 8, 2014 in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Translational Neurodegeneration,* shows that African-American boys receiving their first MMR vaccine before 36 months of age were 3.4 times more likely to develop autism than those vaccinated after the age of 36 months.


California: Jouvon Michael Kingsby:


Went to Newport Beach to chill out today and saw a ton of dead redcrabs washed up ashore.

CDC AUTISM Vaccine Data Fraud - "My Boss asked me to LIE" Admits CDC Scientist Dr. William Thompson


Take Action NOW, contact your congressman and visit: http://AutismActionNetwork.org

Head CDC Researcher for Autism and Vaccine Study Shockingly says,"I have a boss who's asking me to lie,"

Presumably, the call was recorded before August 27, when Thompson went public with a statement admitting he, and his co-authors, cooked a study on the MMR vaccine and thereby hid the vaccine's connection to autism.

I also presume Thompson didn't know (or would now say he didn't know) that the call was being recorded.

Thompson makes highly explosive comments on the phone call:

"The CDC has put the [autism] research ten years behind. Because the CDC has not been transparent, we've missed ten years of research [on the autism-vaccine connection]."

"CDC is…they're paralyzed. The whole system is paralyzed right now."

"I have a boss who's asking me to lie…if I'm forced to testify, I'm not gonna lie. I basically have stopped lying."

"Really, what we need is for Congress to come in and say, 'Give us the data and we're gonna have an independent contractor do it,' and bring in the autism advocates [who understand the vaccine-autism connection] and have them intimately involved in the studies."

In this last comment, Thompson is obviously referring to new studies that would analyze all raw data on all vaccines the CDC has collected, and compare the data with rates of autism and other neurological damage in vaccinated children.

Thompson isn't talking about one vaccine. The CDC "paralysis" refers to a stoppage of all honest research on the causal connection between all vaccines and autism.

Thompson straight-out admits he has a boss at the CDC who wants him to lie and hide the connection between vaccines and autism.

What more does anyone need to make up his mind about what is going on at the CDC?

"I have a boss who's asking me to lie."

The boss wants Thompson to bury and hide the causal connection between vaccines and autism.

The CDC is a billion-dollar federal agency tasked with ensuring the safety of vaccines and protecting the public.

Thompson, a CDC scientist for many years, is stating the CDC has committed and is committing outright crimes, and is knowingly permitting vaccines to damage the brains of children.

The scum of mainstream media are refusing to cover this story, and so they are accomplices to the crime.

The Department of Justice, who surely know about Thompson, are refusing to investigate, arrest, and prosecute CDC bosses and researchers—and therefore, they, too, are accomplices to a great ongoing crime.

The FDA, in charge of certifying all medicines as safe and effective, is another willing accomplice.

And of course, the vaccine manufacturers are guilty of mayhem, destruction, and the poisoning of children.

I surely hope this information spreads far and wide.

Am 9. Mai waren Millionen Russen im ganzen Land und auf der ganzen Welt auf den Straßen

https://www.facebook.com/1486176434969365/videos/1695224640731209/Wenn es geht

Am 9. Mai waren Millionen Russen im ganzen Land und auf der ganzen Welt auf den Straßen, um ihren im 2. Weltkrieg getöteten Familienmitglieder und den Veteranen zu gedenken. Gleichzeitig haben sie gegen Krieg demonstriert und zu Frieden aufgerufen.

Compact: Das ist unsere letzte Chance. In wenigen Tagen entscheidet die EU, ob das Pflanzengift Glyphosat für viele weitere Jahre zugelassen wird. - Obwohl die WHO es als wahrscheinlich krebserregend einstuft.


Das ist unsere letzte Chance. In wenigen Tagen entscheidet die EU, ob das Pflanzengift Glyphosat für viele weitere Jahre zugelassen wird. - Obwohl die WHO es als wahrscheinlich krebserregend einstuft. Und in vielen Lebensmitteln und im menschlichen Körper Rückstände gefunden wurden. Dies können wir nur noch verhindern, wenn wir der EU unmissverständlich klar machen: Glyphosat muss vom Tisch! Bitte hilf mit: Teile dieses Video + unterzeichne jetzt hier → https://campact.org/stopp-glyphosat

Erdogan erpresst EU: Wenn Abkommen scheitert, „schicken wir die Flüchtlinge los“ ---- Strategic Engineered Migration as a Weapon of War

Wenn der EU-Kuhhandel platzt und die Europäische Union die Visafreiheit
für Türken nicht einführt, „dann schicken wir die Flüchtlinge los". Das
sagte der Chefberater des türkischen Präsidenten Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
Burhan Kuzu, laut Deutschen Wirtschaftsnachrichten. Er warnte somit die
EU-Politiker, „keine falsche Entscheidung zu treffen".



Strategic Engineered Migration as a Weapon of War

In recent years, it has been widely argued that a new and different
armament — i.e., the refugee as weapon — has entered the world's
arsenals. But just how new and different is this weapon? Can it only be
used in wartime? And just how successful has been its exploitation?
Using a combination of statistical data and case study analysis, this
article tackles these questions and provides a detailed examination of
the instrumental manipulation of population movements as political and
military weapons of war. In addition to 'mapping the terrain' of the
issue by providing a comprehensive typology of the most common means by
— and desired ends for — which displaced persons have been used as
political and military weapons since the end of the Cold War, the author
also provides a portrait of the identities of the kinds of actors most
likely to engage in this kind of exploitation. She also proposes an
explanation for what motivates them to resort — and apparently
increasingly so — to the use of this unconventional policy tool, despite
the reputational and potential retributive costs of doing so.



Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2016

Edwin Schalcher: Sonnencremes und Kosmetikas sind hauptverantwortlich für Hautkrebs, nicht die gesunde Sonne ihr hirntoten Verbrecher!


Gemäß des U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) sind mittlerweile 97% der Amerikaner mit der Chemikalie Oxybenzone vergiftet, die nicht nur in Sonnencreme, sondern auch in vielen anderen kosmetischen Produkten enthalten ist! Auch führen die oben genannten Chemikalien zu einer übermäßigen Produktion an freien Radikalen und somit zu oxidativem Stress (Zellschädigung), der die Krebsentstehung fördern kann.

Herkömmliche Sonnenschutzcremes enhalten viele Chemikalien, die sogar Hautkrebs erzeugen können. Problematisch ist auch, dass die Produktion von Vitamin D durch die Cremeschicht stark eingschränkt wird.

Montag, 9. Mai 2016

Weil er Differentialgleichungen berechnete: Mathematikprofessor löst Terroralarm in den USA aus

Dass mit dem Schüren von Terrorangst nicht nur erfolgreich Wählerstimmen
gewonnen und Einschränkungen von Bürgerrechten legitimiert werden
können, sondern dass durch solche Strategien auch die Verunsicherung in
der Gesellschaft steigt, zeigt nun ein aktueller Fall an Bord einer
American Airlines-Maschine. Weil er dunkle Haare hat, einen Bart trägt
und Differentialgleichungen löste, zog der italienische
Mathematikprofessor Guido Menzio den Verdacht auf sich, ein Terrorist zu


Mittwoch, 4. Mai 2016

World Without Cancer - The Story of Vitamin B17 by G. Edward Griffin (1974)

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPADSv3XAv0

"G. Edward Griffin (born November 7, 1931) is an American author, lecturer, and filmmaker. He is the author of "World Without Cancer" where he argues that cancer is a nutritional deficiency that can be cured by consuming amygdalin, a view regarded as quackery by the medical community. He is an HIV/AIDS denialist, supports the 9/11 Truth movement, and supports John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories. He believes Noah's Ark is located in Turkey at the Durupınar site. [...]
In 1974, Griffin wrote and self-published the book "World Without Cancer" and released it as a video; its second edition appeared in 1997. In the book and the video, Griffin asserts that cancer is a metabolic disease like a vitamin deficiency facilitated by the insufficient dietary consumption of laetrile. He contends that "eliminating cancer through a nondrug therapy has not been accepted because of the hidden economic and power agendas of those who dominate the medical establishment" and he wrote, "at the very top of the world's economic and political pyramid of power there is a grouping of financial, political, and industrial interests that, by the very nature of their goals, are the natural enemies of the nutritional approaches to health". Since the 1970s, the use of laetrile to treat cancer has been identified in the scientific literature as a canonical example of quackery and has never been shown to be effective in the treatment or prevention of cancer. Emanuel Landau, then a Project Director for the APHA, wrote a book review for the American Journal of Public Health, which noted that Griffin "accepts the 'conspiracy' theory ... that policy-makers in the medical, pharmaceutical, research and fund-raising organizations deliberately or unconsciously strive not to prevent or cure cancer in order to perpetuate their functions". Landau concludes that although World Without Cancer "is an emotional plea for the unrestricted use of the Laetrile as an anti-tumor agent, the scientific evidence to justify such a policy does not appear within it".

Subscribe to wocomoDOCS for more documentaries in full length: 

One World Government & Collectivism - G. Edward Griffin

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIytgv3GRsc

"A brilliant work by G Edward Griffin, which deserves a place in everyone's library, living room, and in every school's curriculum.

What is collectivism?

Who desires a collectivist world?

How are collectivism and totalitarianism related?

Does a one-world government have to be collectivist, or totalitarian?

How does collectivism influence the thinking of individuals and governments? Where does the individual stand in such a system?

What about "group rights"? What does "rights" mean applied to a group?

What is a "U. N. Peacekeeper"? What is their purpose?

How does government secrecy fit into this?

What kind of government might come from a "North American Union"?

Is the One World Government a conspiracy?

What are the components of a real conspiracy? Where is the use of the word "conspiracy" justified?

What is the U. S. Constitution? What is its meaning for the American people?

Why is the Constitution addressed from "We the People" to the government?

Do legitimate governments rule, or protect?

Do legitimate governments use force? What about martial law?

What is "Cultural Marxism"? What does it have to do with collectivism?

Are differences in culture a cause for war?

What is the principle cause of war?

What is the "Rothschild Formula"?

What is the difefrence between killing and murder, as applied to war?

What role does fiat money play in war?

Why did the Founding Fathers want local militias, rather than a standing Federal army?

How do corporations and governments evade responsibility for their actions? How is this immunity a problem?

How do banks control our government? Why aren't the names of these banks and the individuals behind them known?

What did the "New Deal" turn out to be?


FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of criminal justice, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/.... If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner."